
Relieve Pains without Drug

For some people, the thought of pain relief means grabbing a bottle of aspirin or over-the-counter pain reliever and taking pills. But here are five methods of pain relief that don't involve narcotics or pain killers that can cause damage to the stomach or liver.
One of the simplest ways to reduce pain is to chill or warm the affected area, depending on the nature of the injury or cause of the pain. Pain relief for a sprain or joint injury is often as close as the nearest freezer. Putting ice on the injury helps reduce swelling and therefore reduces the pressure on the nerve endings, reducing the pain. For a muscle pull or strain injury, heat can help reduce pain. A heating pad on the site of the strain can help relax the muscles and eliminate the pain.
Another simple method is to relieve pain is through massage. Rubbing the painful area gently can help the muscles to relax as well. When muscles are tense, they form a tight ball. That tightness presses on the nerves and causes pain. Therefore, massaging away the muscle stress can help with pain relief.
Meditation is also a very good form of pain relief. The theory is that by relaxing the body and focusing the mind on something other than the pain, the body can begin its own natural healing process. Since pain is usually the last symptom to appear when the boy is not well, it is often the first to disappear as healing begins.
Many recent studies have also demonstrated the usefulness of animals in pain relief. Especially among the chronically ill, holding or petting a furry animal can create enormous pain relief. Finally, new research is emerging with hospice patients to indicate that soothing music can also relieve pain. The theory states that much like animal therapy, the soft music of a harp or other soothing instrument can call to mind happier times and even the memory of happiness can create the release of endorphins to ease the pain.


How Much Do You Need to Drink?

Some experts believe you can estimate the amount of water you need by taking your weight in pounds and dividing that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces you may want to drink each day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you might want to drink at least 80 ounces of water or other fluids per day. Other factors include amount of physical activity and the climate where you are located.

At least 20% of the water you need comes from the foods you eat. The rest comes from the beverages you drink. Water is probably the best choice because it's cheap and has no calories or added ingredients. Sweetened soft drinks and sodas have added sugar that adds extra calories. Sports drinks contain minerals that may help keep your electrolytes in balance, but look out for added sugar and calories that you may not want. Fruit and vegetable juices are good because they have vitamins and minerals. Caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee count too, but too much caffeine can make you feel jittery.


Eating after Exercise

Deciding what to eat after exercise can be a delicate endeavor. You don't want to risk adding weight if your goal is weight loss, but you don't want to deprive your body of necessary calories and enzymes, either. Choosing the best post-workout foods and amounts will help you get the most out of your workout routine. Here are some of the best tips for eating after exercise.

Stick to Natural Foods
Certain sports drinks and energy bars are permissible exceptions, but try to plan your post-workout food intake around real, less processed food. If you've exercised for over an hour, eat a protein-based snack, such as peanut butter, yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese.
Eat Carbohydrates
The word "carbohydrates" scares many people, especially since some are still of the mentality that carbohydrates will make you gain weight. While too many of the wrong carbohydrates will certainly reap this result, your body still needs carbohydrate replacement to recover after a long workout. Some experts recommend eating a bagel with low-fat cream cheese after a workout that lasts an hour or longer to replace the necessary carbs.
Moderate Your Eating
One of the best tips for eating after exercise is to moderate what you eat during the rest of the day. You don't want to skip meals and lower your calories drastically before exercising, nor do you want to shock your body with a heavy calorie intake. You might need to consult a physician or dietary expert to find out exactly how much you should be eating.
Don't Forget to Rehydrate
Water is always a good rehydration choice, both during and after exercise. Rehydrating your body is just as important as refueling it with food energy. By drinking sports drinks that have controlled amounts of carbohydrates and calories, you can get the right amount of electrolytes to replace those depleted during the workout and hydrate your body at the same time. But don't substitute sports drinks for water every time-remember to hydrate with this natural source as well.


Some Habits Bring You A Good Sleep

After a day of hard word, you body must feel tired, and you are eager to go to your big bed to have a deep sleep. But before go to bed, you have to do a few things, or your sleep will be ruined and endless troubles will come. It's really important to develop a good habit and following the tips below will promote your sleep.

1. Brush teeth and wash face
It.s more important to brush teeth before sleep than do that in the morning, for it help protect your teeth and deep sleep. Meanwhile, remember to wash face after either watching TV or playing computer. Because both the TV and computer has radiation, and the radiation will stay in the skin surface after long time watching TV. Wash face before sleep can clean some radiation particles and dusts, thus make sleep comfortable and relaxed.
2. 10 to 20 minutes mild walk
A 10 to 20 minutes walk before go to bed will make the blood circulation to the surface, and after lying down, skin will get a maintain. Don't read books or consider the problems will decrease the brain's activity, thus help sleep deep soon.
3. A cup of honey milk
Research found that a cup of honey milk before sleep do help sleep. While honey keep the balance of blood sugar and avoid early wake up.


The Right Way to Drink Milk

Milk is the drink with plenty nutrition, but special attention should also be paid when collocation with food.

A lot of people like to drink milk mix with juice, thinking that will add new palate and nutrition. But if you add too much juice to the milk, the juice will agglutinate with casein, thus cause a difficulty in digest and absorb.
Never add extra sugar to milk, especially when the milk is heating. Or the lysine in the milk with react with fructose, generating poisonous fructose and lysine and finally harmful to human body.
Plenty people like chocolate taste milk very much, but it is really a wrong collocation. Milk contains rich protein and calcium while chocolate contains oxalic acid. If you combine them together, it will easily generate harmful subjects and greatly influence the absorption of calcium. What's more, some people even appear phenomenon like dry hair, diarrhea and slow growth


Four Irreplaceable Advantages of Mushroom

Mushrooms contain a lot of amino acids, minerals, vitamins and nutrients polysaccharides that are essential to human body. Mushrooms contain 18 kinds of amino acids, some even have a better composition than that in beef. Research has also found that the nutritional value in mushrooms are only lower than that of milk. People always tend to think that, only meat and beans contain a relatively higher animal protein and plant protein, actually, proteins in mushrooms are rather high.

1.Low heat
Mushrooms contain the essence of nature and are very healthy food. Nutrition in mushrooms benefit to cardio health as well as enhancing immunity. The quantity of heat in mushrooms only 20 calories every meal.
2.Replace staple food
If people eat 100 grams mushrooms instead of staple foods and carry on for a year, which means lose 2 kilograms fat. You know that lose 2 kilograms weight is easy, but 2 kilograms fat may cost you several months effect in gym.
3.Anti oxidation
The mushroom antioxidant capacity can compare with colorful vegetables, such as squash, carrots and broccolis.
Mushrooms have additional taste, When they mix with other foods while cooking, they will be excellent flavor, so it is a good supply.