
Fighting Against Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is endangering women's health nowadays. It has become a serious problem because every year, there are a large number of women got this disease and some of them eventually die from this disease. Though survival rates are higher today than ever before, the question is that the rate is not that high. The key is that women should arm yourselves with information and knowledge to guard against this disease. It is never too early for you to get prepared. Here are some tips for you.
1.Do examinations routinely
The radiation you get from a mammogram is minimal. Don't be afraid of going to the hospital. By doing this, you can find it early if you actually get this disease. If you do not catch it, you can always get some advices from the doctor on how to prevent it.
2.Don't eat too much
Study shows that fat people are more risky than others. Their chance of getting this disease is larger because of the extra fat in their body. So, eat properly and lessen the ingestion of fat. Eat more vegetables and fruits and try to keep your weight in average.
3.No smoking
Smoking is extremely bad for people. Cigarette smoke causes chronic inflammation in your body, which in turn may lead to cancer. Do not ignore this warning, just like most people would do. Smoking can be very dangerous to you. If you do not get anything to do with breast cancer, you might as well quit it.
4.Exercises can be helpful
We can't say more to this topic, because we all know that it is good for our body. The problem is your consistency. Try to stick to it and exercise every day. You will reap the rewards sooner or later.


How to Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking is a bad habit and is harmful to health. In spite of the fact that the package of cigarette are always printed:"Smoking is bad to health", many people just ignore the sign and continue to smoke. They want to stop, but it is easier to say than do. Don't lose the faith, here are some tips help you to quit smoking.
1.Tell other people that your are quitting smoking.
This is very necessary, because the success of it lies in the environment and the temptation. More people know that you are smoking, the chance of them to invite you to smoke is less. It will do you a great good if you avoid to stay with the people who are smoking.

2.Keep A Diary
Make a plan for yourself. Write down the goal everyday. Don’t always urge yourself to repeat the benefits of quitting smoking, but write down it. As time went on, your habit is formed and it will become easier.
3.Learn to restrain the urge properly During the process of quitting, you will surely suffer from some problems. It is of vital importance to deal with these problems properly. If you feel tired or frustrated, try to drink more water or talk to someone. Doing some exercises can also help.


How to Stay Young

Youth is a miracle. It is the best time of one's life and everyone wants to be young forever. When we are young, we can jump and run, laugh and cry as long as we want. Tiredness seems to be an unusual guest for us and it won't stay for long. Though it seems a daydream to keep youth stay, we do have ways to make aging defer.
1.Eating properly
It is not enough to feel full when eating. It is of great importance that we eat certain amount of proteins and vitamins. Everyday, we should eat more fruits and vegetables. Calcium is of vital importance to middle-aged as well as old people, so remember to eat some eggs and meat everyday.
2.Do some dancing or exercises
 For old people, exercises are extremely important. Exercises can promote the blood flooding and improve one's body health. It is not practical for old people to jump or run quickly, so it is good for them to dance a little bit. We can always see that some old women dance in the park in the morning.
3.Get adequate sleep
Studies suggest that getting seven to eight hours of shut-eye a night is necessary to ward off weight gain. Due to the fact that many old people suffer from the diseases of high blood pressure, hyperlipaemia, weight gain is the last thing they want to get.
4.Stay happy
Happiness is the best medicine. One's state of mind can influence you a lot. If you are worried all day long, you won't be healthy and thus your aging process will be accelerated. Research shows that people who live a long life are all have something in common: they have healthy mood.


Best Ways to Lose Weight

Becoming slim is every girl's dream because "slim" now is equal to beauty to some certain extent, but it is not easy for us to lose weight. In spite of this, it is plausible if you carry out in the right way. Here are some of my suggestions. If you stick to them, one day you will succeed.
1.Eat more fruits and vegetables.
You may think it as a cliché, but it is also a truth, an unchangeable fact. If you eat more fruits before dinner, your stomach will not have enough room for too much food. Due to the fact that fruits have a low calorie, so you will be one step close to your goal.
2.Work out every day.
You don’t have to do too many exercises to make yourself fatigued. All you have to do is just
walking faster or twisting your waist for 100 or 200 times per day. Trust me, it is quite effective.
3.Finish your supper early
We all know that fat can easily accumulate at night, so eat your dinner early in the evening and stop eating any junk food even if you are hungry. Follow this tip and you will reap your rewards in the near future
4.Sleep More
Try to have enough sleep, because it will help you keep figure. Having a good sleep can lessen your eagerness for food and thus help you lose weight.
And at last, may you succeed soon!


How To Respond To Fat Talk

The key deciding factor in your body image isn't your BMI or your waist size, it's how you think other people feel about your body -- From a new study of Ohio State University. In an ideal world, we can surround yourself with loved ones who don't want to judge or change you, or themselves. But the truth is usually not. Body image memoirist and author of "It's Hard Not to Hate You" Val Frankel said that if your friend actually says you're fat -- it's not really about you, your friend needs to tear apart women's bodies because she's insecure about her own body. she's engaging in fat talk because she thinks it will be cathartic or amusing or otherwise make her feel better about her body. So it has nothing to do with you. So just keeping it simple with a sincere: "I think you [or /I/she/he] look great." when it comes time to respond to your friend's fat talk.


Live a Healthy Lifestyle

According to the dictionary, lifestyle is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and value of a person or group. A healthy lifestyle would be a way of living that would result in a healthy mind, body and spirit. Eating food that are nutritional and good for the body like fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat diets, unrefined carbohydrates, etc. It includes avoiding food that is bad for you like refined carbohydrates, fatty foods, alcohol, etc.Movement is movement and the more you do, the healthier you'll be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference. Exercise is key for a healthy lifestyle.

There may be time in your life when you may be suffering from some minor health challenges and resorting to conventional medicine may not have provided satisfactory result. Or you may be healthy and just looking for some alternative ways to maintain your good health. Whatever your reasons, you could be led to decide upon looking toward alternative medicine for solution. The Most important is keep happy, you cannot have a healthy lifestyle if you are depress and unhappy.


Understanding Your Body Type

By understanding body types and their specific strengths and weaknesses, you can begin to take preventive steps when they do the most good, long before overt illness appears.When you knowing your body type , you will no longer be bound by society’s notions of what you should be doing, saying, thinking, and feeling. If you try to prevent every disease without knowing your particular predisposition, you are stabbing in the dark.
In addtion, no matter you are The Apples, The Pears, The Athletes, The Slim, or even The Hourglass,by knowing your bady type, you can always find the perfect clothes for your body type.