
How To Respond To Fat Talk

The key deciding factor in your body image isn't your BMI or your waist size, it's how you think other people feel about your body -- From a new study of Ohio State University. In an ideal world, we can surround yourself with loved ones who don't want to judge or change you, or themselves. But the truth is usually not. Body image memoirist and author of "It's Hard Not to Hate You" Val Frankel said that if your friend actually says you're fat -- it's not really about you, your friend needs to tear apart women's bodies because she's insecure about her own body. she's engaging in fat talk because she thinks it will be cathartic or amusing or otherwise make her feel better about her body. So it has nothing to do with you. So just keeping it simple with a sincere: "I think you [or /I/she/he] look great." when it comes time to respond to your friend's fat talk.

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